View Full Version : Method to Read and Siemens Mc3 Monster 1100

26th May, 2018, 12:06 PM
Hello friend , a method to read and erite siemens mc3 continental ducati for monster1100 to bdm freescale mcu

the instrution and the software in this blog

a software not linked best in blog attached me.




4th July, 2018, 12:02 PM
Hello firend i tested this method, work but report conclusion:

Used USBDM Freescale from aliexpress china

codewarrior 5.1 works only on win32bit not on 64bit, but also runs on virtual machine, used
Oracle virtualbox virtual machine, and winxp 32 pro serviced pack2, sp1 does not work.

Then all right, except the addresses of the block s1.sx are wrong, the right interval is
07C0000 to 07FFFFF of the flash ( through windows calculator).

– SAVE 0x07C0000’G..0x07DFFFF’G block_1s.sx (For Block_1S 312kb)
– SAVE 0x07E0000’G..0x07FFFFF’G block_0.sx (For Block_0 312kb)
You can convert the Srec file directly to the track as follows:

Srec2bin -o 07C0000 block_1s.sx block_1s.bin

Srec2bin -o 07E0000 block_0s.sx block_0.bin

The original file that can be written via can with Allien kess and 256K put it bloc1s and block0
successively cutting at the beginning ends at 256k, recognizable by ecm titanium.

SrecCvt I found the place there but not the size s19 are different and I have not written bdm.

Write with kess 2.10 on table , in can 256K , warry k-Tag also read bdm and genarate a file 288K , you cut end zone FF to 256k