View Full Version : Seat Mii MM dash swap

15th June, 2018, 11:15 AM
Hi Guys...
I have customer with Seat Mii for cluster swap.
Ori dash: 1SL 920 850 D
New used: 1SL 920 860 G

In SMOK manual there is SB editor and I can do it this way ??
Read EEPROM and edit it in SB editor ??

18th June, 2018, 10:43 AM
SMOK and VVDI2 read ori dash but CS are FFFFFF.
Ori dash is 20.07.2014 with 9S12XHZ384CAG.
Both tools read data good from new (used one) also with 9S12XHZ384CAG.
Maybe someone can extract CS from eeprom.
Thank's in advance.

18th June, 2018, 11:37 AM

18th June, 2018, 12:15 PM
11 bytes CS Lupu ??


18th June, 2018, 12:28 PM
And B2 last

18th June, 2018, 01:11 PM
Still SAFE on dash when I wrote this CS.
I maneged to read dash by programmer and here is eeprom.
I got this CS:78DB38108D39808B0CB2B312 by SMOK, wrote it but still SAFE...

19th June, 2018, 10:46 AM
Little update:
I've done OBD IMMO4 UDS adaptation with SMOK and procedure went smooth.
Learned keys and Login to immo but still SAFE. Original keys are recognized as Dealer Keys so CS must be right.
After adaptation MAC didnt changed.
So in my opinion this 07.2014 dash is newer immo generation and thats why I cant adapt 2013 cluster.
Any suggestions are appreciated.

rob h
19th June, 2018, 07:44 PM
powerclass, vin pin mac cs.
That should do it!

20th June, 2018, 11:26 AM
I know rob. But it doesnt work.
VVDI2 read the same power, pin, mac as SMOK decode from eeprom.
And the best thing is even when I wrote ori eeprom (read with multiprog) to new (used) dash car didnt start !!!
LCD was all hash obviously but car should start on ori eeprom in used dash !!!!!
I think in this motorola type clusters eeprom isnt combined with flash ??
So I am stuck with this car for now and dont know what to do.

CS has to be good because ori key is visible as Dealer key and Learned Key (start permited)

Data that I've got:

PIN: 35980
Power: 44
MAC: 63DD327C tried 327C63DD (maybe I must swap MAC somehow)
CS: 808B0CB2B31278DB38108D39 tried 78DB38108D39808B0CB2B312
Key1: 0166500D
Key2: 0166E400

powerclass, vin pin mac cs.
That should do it!

23rd June, 2018, 07:04 PM
Where is the eeprom form New/used dash 1SL 920 860 G?
I need eeprom form new used dash?

16th July, 2018, 10:26 AM
Somebody here swapped this kind of cluster (Mii, Up, Citigo) with success ??
I am stuck with this one.
Wrote eeprom that I got from Yugo but no go. Ori key is recognized as dealer key.
I made Immo4UDS option in SMOK and all went smooth. Learned key (key accepted so CS,PIN has to be right)
I think MAC is the problem. Dont know if SMOK works with this MM dash as IMMO4UDS option (it is not listed in manual).
Any ideas ??

19th August, 2018, 06:21 PM
I will have this car on the end of this week and try to do it once more...
Here are ori dumps and after data transfer.
If someone take a look.
When I write dump "data transfer" car has safe on dash but only with ECU plugged (so CS has to be right)
What could be the issue Power Class or MAC ?? Or something is still missing in data transfer ??
Somebody here changed this kind of dash (not online) ??

15th September, 2019, 01:05 PM
I checked your "transfer" file and imho it is 100% correct.
Last weekend I did a similar transfer (Citigo 850D to 860) and worked without problems.

Are you 100% sure your tool is able to write immo/mileage? Because in never versions the immo data cannot be written by writing eeprom.
You have to use other UDS commands.
(Write new file with updated immo, then read it back and verify ...)

Rgs Bonny