View Full Version : Skoda 1.9 EDC16U34 Need immo off + vin

2nd July, 2018, 11:33 AM
I have a problem with this car, it come to us with Immo off already, as we think cause replace ecu. and we cant see vin on Diagnostic, and we must have Vin on diagnostic, is there any solution to make immo off+vin on diagnostic ?? or mybe recode it ??

I attached file that car come with.


2nd July, 2018, 11:43 AM
why you need vin on diagnostic?

2nd July, 2018, 12:09 PM

2nd July, 2018, 12:24 PM
On eep its ok, but on diag its XXXXXXX , and we need it for some recall in dealer,

2nd July, 2018, 12:37 PM
On eep its ok, but on diag its XXXXXXX , and we need it for some recall in dealer,

Are you using VAS or VAG?

2nd July, 2018, 12:38 PM

2nd July, 2018, 12:39 PM
VCDS and Odis

2nd July, 2018, 01:18 PM
So no solution for this guys ? immo off+vin, can pay for working solution.

2nd July, 2018, 01:32 PM

2nd July, 2018, 01:34 PM
is there any way to fix it ? the eep will not block the VIN

2nd July, 2018, 01:36 PM
is there any way to fix it ? the eep will not block the VIN

2nd July, 2018, 01:40 PM
if you dont want to help it ok, but no need to spam with links that not helping, and i dont understand your point,

2nd July, 2018, 01:55 PM
Are you kidding ,what do you mean ....you dont want to help it ok....
Look at post 6 from kiszka.
Put sec.block from dash,this need for edit right data in ecu.If not ,this problem up (look at post 9 from kiszka ).
Everyfing anderstanding.
So.......what do you want? If people try help you and you nothing to do for this.....just talk , thats all.

Try anderstand if ecu not swaped right, all data like immo id,vin or samething like thats data for vewe just safe and locked and immo off no help this for vewe thats all,just forget.

if you dont want to help it ok, but no need to spam with links that not helping, and i dont understand your point,