View Full Version : Honda 150 motobike help!!! plzz

7th September, 2018, 02:56 PM
hello friends, I have a Honda 150 motorcycle, and I have to lower the kilometers, I did not find any tutorial on the subject with motorcycles (the only digiprog for big bikes), this bike brings digital board, anyone knows the procedure? I had thought to see behind the board has to have the EPROOM chip, right? and then what next? I hope some kind soul that can help me, thank you very much in advance

7th September, 2018, 04:03 PM
hello friends, I have a Honda 150 motorcycle, and I have to lower the kilometers, I did not find any tutorial on the subject with motorcycles (the only digiprog for big bikes), this bike brings digital board, anyone knows the procedure? I had thought to see behind the board has to have the EPROOM chip, right? and then what next? I hope some kind soul that can help me, thank you very much in advanceTry post your dump here we have many friends that can help

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7th September, 2018, 06:53 PM
hey friend, thanks for answering, well this step of dump what should I do? I would need to take out the eproom chip and read it with a chip reader and place it on my pc? can you tell me how? or if I'm wrong

10th September, 2018, 06:12 PM
This will be useful to me (https://www.google.com.ar/search?biw=1569&bih=817&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=pqWWW6uhMYyfwgSmg4iIAQ&q=electron+eeprom+usb+with+pinza&oq=e+rom+eeprom+usb+ with + clip & gs_l = img.3 ... 15270.16730.0.16834. .... 0 ... 1c.1.64.img..0.0.0 .... 0.leJSq1bdKZU # imgrc = 0YLbOTZXuBmF9M:) and then what program should I use a hex editor? or is there a tutorial?