View Full Version : TP ROOT level

22nd October, 2018, 08:37 PM

Is there any solution (mayby any software) to check file TP ROOT level after read it from car?

I am asking because in magpro x17 (ussualy with bosh edc17cp14 VAG’s group) in TP20 obd mode there is an information that when car has got TP ROOT above 4 (cars from 2009 year) first need to read on bench (BL mode read and unlock ecu with password).


22nd October, 2018, 09:57 PM
check that software maybe it will help you

if not ! Delete

23rd October, 2018, 11:02 AM
Well MagPRO X17 does all VAG MEDC17s through obd with virtual read. If you read the ECU first then it will become locked on writing.

23rd October, 2018, 12:11 PM
But some of VAG’s ecus does not work with OBD virtual read mode(identification ends with fault message) and then You need to read the ecu with TP20 obd mode (and in TP20 mode there is a info about TP ROOT level)

Some Cars from about 2009-2010 year dont works with UDS OBD virtual read mode

23rd October, 2018, 12:15 PM
And my question is how to check file TP ROOT level after read ori from car