View Full Version : EDC16cp34 pin / ECU swap

18th November, 2018, 03:19 AM

I have propably dead ECU on my table, that was sent to me for checking.

ECU cannot be connected through OBD / bench. I was able to read micro and eeprom parts, but when i tryed to read flash, it finalised with 546kB of data that should be 2MB file... when i tryed to write ori file according to unit hw and sw number, it crashed again and from that point, I am not even able to connect to that unit again.

But... I have those 2 files, I have ori 2MB file from VAS and I also have another ECU that is working on my stock.

BUT the problem is - old unit is SW:4F5910401K HW:4F0907401C and my spare unit is SW:4F0910402N HW:4F0907401B

Is it possible to reflash the spare unit with my "old" fw together with eeprom data to make it working in that car?

And - which sw/hw should I use for reading a pin please?

18th November, 2018, 07:01 AM
Desolder EEPROM from (old) damage ECU and write Dump to new (used) ECU ;-)

18th November, 2018, 01:02 PM
so instead of soldering if i write it through bdm - I mean both eeprom and dump, would it be ok?

here is the attachment of my old files.

Not sure that I can write OBD read from kess through BDM. Or are the files the same?

I would appreciate step by step procedure when changing the whole software of the ecu from different version, as I wrote earlier. I do not want to make any mistakes...

Maybe I should add that I am thinking of :
1. reading full BDM of the spare unit (just in case anything happens)
2. writing old eeprom file to spare ecu through BDM
3. because i am not sure about flashing OBD read through KTAG, i flash the spare ECU with VAS using 4F5910401K
4. check if everything went OK, check coding, try start...

Is it good like this?? or would anybody make any changes in this procedure?

19th November, 2018, 02:26 PM
OK, problem solved... we can close this thread.