View Full Version : Lexus LX570 issues.

18th November, 2018, 10:34 PM
Hello friends,
Good day. I am having a challenge with the subject vehicle and will need some help.

The smart Keys are lost. Vehicle is Europe specs. Vin is JTJHY00W04159193.

I can got out smart box and make a key. The challenge am having is that the key I have is a frequency 315mhz and should be for American specs.

I cannot get my hands on a freq 433mhz as fast as I will want.

The challenge I have is making the key I have work for the vehicle.

Is it possible to convert a freq 315 to a 433? If possible how?

Will replacing the wireless door lock receiver make the key I have work? I mean replacing 89740-60033 for Europe with 89740-60022 American?

Thanks for your time and input.
