View Full Version : Renault Laguna PH2 - 2007 CARD

14th December, 2018, 10:09 AM
Hello ,

I tried to make a new card for an Renault Laguna PH2 - 2007 year.

I tried with FVDI 2018 , but didn't get out the PIN CODE. When i click GET PIN CODE , tells CANNOT READ PIN CODE.

Tried with Renault CanClip , and when i try to program new card , give's me error

COMMAND IMPOSSIBLE - Execution conditions unsatisfactory

With same FVDI i made card on other laguna , without any problem.

Can you please give me some ideea ?

15th December, 2018, 01:45 PM
Ok mate, the problem is you car reader
open it and you need found a broken plastic inside under the card
try to push the red button with paper and program your new card ;)

16th December, 2018, 03:18 AM
Thank you mate ,

Can you please explain me.

I saw some videos with that button. But what i don't understand is .... when you pull out the card , the button become unpressed. If the clients reader has the plastic broken , the button is all the time unpressed. And if it's unpressed why returns error , and not working to make card ?

Thank you

16th December, 2018, 06:23 PM
Hi, inside the reader have two button and over two plastic. Open the reader and check the plastic if is broken.

16th December, 2018, 06:32 PM
First to confirm the problem in the switch: how does the car starts with the original card? Do you press "start " by one short impulse (it means switch OK) or do you have to hold "start" until the engine runs ? (this means lamella over the switch broken).
Second, does the door stay open while you try to learn the new card?

16th December, 2018, 06:43 PM
The car starts only if you keep the button pusshed.

The first step of the contact don't work , when you put the card inside. The car reacts only when you fully in push the card.

16th December, 2018, 06:55 PM
This is 2 pics found on net
One with red Button the second repaired with paper or plastic
when you insert the card, the card pusch the plastic and the plastic press the button ;)

16th December, 2018, 07:20 PM
The car starts only if you keep the button pusshed.

The first step of the contact don't work , when you put the card inside. The car reacts only when you fully in push the card.
Then follow the good instructions of danyparis and panos-k, they are right.

16th December, 2018, 07:42 PM
Thank you all for the answers. These days when the client will have time , i will try to fix the reader and after that try again to make new card.

I will send the updates

19th December, 2018, 06:27 PM
Well , today i had tried again to make new card to this Laguna.

Same problem... Cannot read pin code.

I hade solved the problem of the reader. The plastic was broken , i had glued and all worked wll. Now the reader works like this.

When you insert the card , the radio turn on
When you insert to the end , the ingnition is turning on
And don't need anymore to keep pressed the start butoon. Just a simple short push on the button and will start.

But no pin code :(

My tool is FVDI 2018. Tried with booth software version from the loader for Renault. And no pin.

Do you have some ideeas ?

The car is from 2007 Laguna 2 PH2 , the one with the renault sign in the front grill ( the facelift )
1.9 DCI Engine.

Thank you

19th December, 2018, 06:48 PM
ISK is encrypted use RenOlink to get PIN code & program new card

https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/Renolink-OBD2-pour-Renault-ECU-Programmeur-V1-52/32950586487.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27426c37WYy j3m

the FVDI 2018 is online use ? TIME LIMIT ACTIVATION ??? what version of VVDI2 is activate ????

19th December, 2018, 06:54 PM
FVDI 2018 it's activated , and with other cars and even Renault Laguna worked.

With this tool you posted here , can i writed CARD ?

Thank you

19th December, 2018, 09:12 PM
FVDI 2018 it's activated , and with other cars and even Renault Laguna worked.

With this tool you posted here , can i writed CARD ?

Thank you

Yes you can !
, where you bought it ?

19th December, 2018, 09:19 PM
I had ordered now from aliexpress. We will se when will be here.