View Full Version : Ford Galaxy 2007 mile to km change

26th March, 2019, 04:37 PM
Hello.My problem is to change mile in km in a ford galaxy 2007, ford modell not volkswagen, and i can not...
I tryed with focom, elmconfig, original tool, changed the vin number the coutry code, but the main mileage is still in miles, only the trip was changed in km.I have to change the instruments because the big dispaly it's not commnaded from the mcu.....i changed the display but nothing.....
The other instrumet from england work fine with booth lcd display, only the mileage is in mile...and i want KM....thats all

I have booth eeprom content from mcu....
Can somebody to change direct from mcu eeprom the mile to km?

26th March, 2019, 11:10 PM
Nobody had a similar problem with the car?

27th March, 2019, 02:14 PM
How can i flash this instrument... probably in other part is the problem

27th March, 2019, 07:17 PM
Solved... i wroted other eeprom dump from similar mcu and dash with km inside, downloaded from DK.... here..thanks