View Full Version : Picanto 2004 1.1lx manual ecu

13th April, 2019, 05:37 PM
hi, any body out there know what ecu this car should have? it has presently got a kefico 9030930526f. When i look on ebay for ecu's for sale where listed all the 526's are for 1.0l engines along with 528's, the 1.1's have 9030930494f or 9030930496f.
Makes me think it has the wrong ecu now but what is the difference between the 494 and 496, they both seem to span 2004-2007 so it must be some other fact that is different - aircon? auto/manual? emissions?
Which ever of these ecu's it should have rather than buy another could i write the correct flash/ eeprom code to my spare 526 to make it a 494/496. If so does anybody have the correct code to write in there preferably without immo (one less hassle to deal with).
All help greatly appreciated.

14th April, 2019, 06:36 PM
Seems it should be 9030930496f.
9030930496f= 1.1L euro 4 = £125 UK road tax pa (which this is)
9030930494f= 1.1L euro 3 =lower co2 emissions which drops tax to £30 pa.
It's written in the code of the 29f400 addr. 1a000 if you should ever get the files mixed up.