View Full Version : 2005 318i MEV9 IMMO data

24th April, 2019, 09:55 PM
Sorry to double post from ECU section but didnt know where was best to ask this:

I've got a 2005 E46 318i 2.0L with a half corrupted ECU. Immobilizer is still ok and car starts but wont rev - no throttle voltage from ECU. Pretty sure its software corruption. Battery went flat and car was jumped - never run properly since. I was going to update the ECU with WinKFP to overwrite the firmware. ECU is a MEV9?

DME 7541459
Assembly Line 7546334

The problem is with all the sets of SP-DATEN files I have there is no ZUSB 7546334. I think I need an old SP DATEN. Has anyone got anything? Is there a way of finding out from the ZUSB which version of SP DATEN is needed? Or, am I over thinking this and all I have to do is click Update ZUSB and pick EKV946?

The other alternative is: I have another identical ECU that is OK. Maybe transfer IMMO data to the dump of this ECU. Anyone know what data I need to copy?

I've attached the flash files from both of the ECU's. Both from the same cars with the same numbers on the ECUs. Could someone virgin the "Good" flash file and I can maybe try to allign that. (and/or transfer the IMMO etc. from the bad dump to the good dump)

Any help greatly appreciated.