View Full Version : Transit SID211 ids programming

rob h
8th May, 2019, 01:52 PM
Hello guys,

2017 Ford Transit
Old Sid211 ECU complete destroyed.

Replacement sid211,
Same partnumber, GK21-12A650-CA

Soon as i enter pcm partnumber in ids, vcm2
The configuration was incorrect message appears.
Same with the tear tag GK31, also not accepted.

I tried a different sid211 partnumber GK21-12A650-CAA (with extra A)
This whas accepted.

Why does my pcm not accept Both part org and tear tag number?

Any help would be apreciated,

Greetings Rob

rob h
10th May, 2019, 11:39 AM
Entering GK21-12A650-CA still not accepted.

However GK21-12A650-CAA is
GK21-12A650-CAB also accepted
A third letter at the end, shows me a automatic gear type equipted vehicle.

I work with a passthru device, update with latest ids software, with good internet connection.

Selecting the car, based on bcm works, till i get to the programming of the pcm.
Programming failed, after hooking up the replacement pcm.

Why it fails, dont know, how can i find out, why it wont program?
Are there tips or tricks, logs, something to guide me.

Any help would realy be apreciated

24th May, 2019, 03:35 PM
12A650 is PCM hardware # . best to use SW calibration ID# , so the one with "14C204" in it should work ;) IDS has been fussy for years on this process. Take the SW ' calibration ID # from the passenger B post.

rob h
25th May, 2019, 07:32 PM
Thank you,

GK31-14C625-CDP This is the tear tag in the door post.

Entering the GK31,in the tear tag section, also found to be incorrect.

GK31-14C625-CDP is the tear tag.
And pcm number GK21-12A650-CA

When i type the first and last digits of the tear tag, in the pcm section,
GK31-12A650-CDP it is accepted.

14th April, 2020, 05:48 PM
Sorry to dig up an old thread, did you ever get this sorted, have same problem with same ecu and part number, thanks.