View Full Version : Lambo keys programming

3rd June, 2019, 05:01 PM
Anyone had experience on these?
Aventador 2012
Key looks like all bcm2 keys

4th June, 2019, 02:23 PM
lol, i saw a guy try a chinese tool on an Aventador at a car valet once just because the key looked similar to an Audi key. No insurance and no brain, was the dumbest person in the world. This is a $700,000 super car and its extremely fragile, run and dont look back, it bites

4th June, 2019, 02:29 PM
Tellthis to owner he bough car after crash from auction.as all reseler he want do all for 5 euro and not want pay dealer to make key.

4th June, 2019, 02:43 PM
i know exactly what you mean, all i work on is Italian cars and im sick of working for idiots with expensive cars and no money. Lambo owners are the worst of them all, they dont want to spend a dime. Everyday i think about hanging up my coat and walking away from it all, but its all i know and i love working on these cars, just not for there owners

Tellthis to owner he bough car after crash from auction.as all reseler he want do all for 5 euro and not want pay dealer to make key.

4th June, 2019, 06:32 PM
my favorite are the people driving the bentley from 2005 and they are broke as hell

oh my god these people are sad trying to pretend they are rich

then they are all surprised when i cant make them a key for 100$$

4th June, 2019, 07:47 PM
Car resellers is worst existing ,not "human". They want get profits thousands and get it for few chips. I dont deal with them.
If you said you will not work for burger ,they feel insulted ,shout that they know hundred other who will do all very very cheap,but dont get one if you know why you looking elswhere.
Most fun they call all country locksmiths to ask for same job,and many of them you know and they write you,listen one guy asked about lambo key.
Almoast every week situation.
Regular guy with old car never gotiate about money. Some shithead with expensive car bouth for loan always not satisfied.

4th June, 2019, 09:19 PM
Like in every business there are many nice people with whom it's pleasure to cooperate and there are those which you'd like to avoid. I hate those one who call for the 1st time and they negotiate because he just let me do 1 key lol. And no matter what price he hear it's always 'hey cmon, I will bring you here more cars' and the facts are most of the times I see such person for the 1st and last time, even if I cut price for him. I can give better prices if he will cooperate with me and I can do that if he guarantee he will have constant jobs for me. But you can differ one resseller from another. If it's serious reseller with like 50+ cars on parking lot, then we cna cooperate. If he have like 10 cars for sell then forget, I will not make a good deal with him.

4th June, 2019, 09:38 PM
Here 9 of 10 reselers ,have 1-2 cars from usa auction. In theyr dreams get 50 cars. I never give discout for 1st job if he returns,no problem drop a bit.

5th June, 2019, 03:51 AM
I say this

If you are big man you will be back and I give you discount then

If you are a little liar man I will never see you again and I don't lose money

I never give discount on first key

Only on second