View Full Version : Recommended tools for MINI R56 and F56 (CAS3, +, ++ and FEM)

1st July, 2019, 01:14 PM
Hi everyone!

I read a lot about different tools to make keys for CAS3, CAS3+ and ++ , but sometimes MINIs are different on some things. Because I haven't tools for keys (I just have VVDI Prog), what tools could you recommend for this car?

I have knowledge on electronics, doing FRM and AIRBAG. BMW ISTA-D, ISTA-P, NCS Experts, etc. but keys are new for me.

I was watching VVDI2, Lonsdor (last update have problems with CAS), HTAG Pro. Thank you!

(Sorry about double topic, but this is the right Category).

1st July, 2019, 01:24 PM
the trick is when cas is encrypted . why mini are complicated is because of location of cas on these cars .

when cas is encrypted you need to downgrade cas . you can downgrade it by obd but probably you will kill it . so in this case you need to read cas on bench and do keys for the car .

taking cas out is a 2 hours job on minis , cas is located on the upper side of dash ..

as for the tools i use vvdi2 .. works great

1st July, 2019, 05:03 PM
Plan to buy Autohex for FEM and - also cover if something goes wrong but CAS4 on the later mini.

My findings....
AVDI works well on Mini encrypted CAS3 downgrade .
AVDI works well on non-encrypted CAS3 (inc mini).

VVDI2 on CAS2 works well -AVDI doesn't (ok not on mini but list here).
VVDI2 on encrypted CAS3 - by removing and reading with eeprom tool (XEP100 100% safe so far!). So avoids downgrade.

No tool 100% heard not even Autohex.

BMW is not easy system - really think big money. Good luck
Mini esp. as access to CAS tough)