View Full Version : 2010 Honda Pilot 77960 SZA A012 M1

3rd July, 2019, 02:36 AM
I have a 2010 Honda Pilot
77960 SZA A012 M1
chip 93h86

Im using Carprog, it reads fine in the eeprom but once i read it in the standard section for carprog to automatically delete crash ,it error in reading the file. i removed to chip thinking that would let me clear it. seems like i just need to program a clear file in the eeprom . Sinve carprog doesnt allow me to clear it automatically.

3rd July, 2019, 03:25 AM
The Eprom RH86 allows read only, but does not record. Only the Beeprog + programmer records this chip. Replace with an Eprom 93c86, write the crash on that Eprom and do the automatic cleaning using (93c86).

3rd July, 2019, 12:16 PM
The Eprom RH86 allows read only, but does not record. Only the Beeprog + programmer records this chip. Replace with an Eprom 93c86, write the crash on that Eprom and do the automatic cleaning using (93c86).

How did you come up with that theory?? Completely wrong info, It records/ "writes" just fine and you don't have to replace it . You have a problem with your programmer.

Most likely this guy has carprog clone and this is the problem.

4th July, 2019, 01:10 AM
How did you come up with that theory?? Completely wrong info, It records/ "writes" just fine and you don't have to replace it . You have a problem with your programmer.

Most likely this guy has carprog clone and this is the problem.

I do not know about Carprog, because I never did with Carprog. I use other programmers, but the only eprom programmers I know who writes on RH86 is Beeprog +.

My goal was to just pass on information to help the friend in the post above.
If you say that you read and write is because you already did, then with Carprog there is no such problem.

4th July, 2019, 01:57 AM
to write in eeprom, Orange 5, Upa, UltraProg is required. use the correct protocol. (Right Choice)
since anyone reads, but writing does not change for configuration. especially in its pins of the eeprom. See rh86 datasheet

4th July, 2019, 01:59 AM
to write in eeprom, Orange 5, Upa, UltraProg is required. use the correct protocol. (Right Choice)
since anyone reads, but writing does not change for configuration. especially in its pins of the eeprom. See rh86 datasheet

Thanks for the info friend!

I can read it without problems with any programmer of eprom like 93c86, but to record only with Beeprog +

9th September, 2020, 06:58 PM
Maybe its too late
CarProg has "PE" chech mark - Select PE if writing not works

Today I did same module (SZA-A012-M1). Without PE check mark no way to write

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