View Full Version : Volvo V50 CEM cloning

6th July, 2019, 09:43 AM
I transferred the processor data (full data movement) between units. Everything else ok, but the car doesn't start with the exchange unit. What information did I not notice to move?

https://ibb.co/xCcB4s5 (https://ibb.co/xCcB4s5)

6th July, 2019, 11:01 AM
what problem car have before this

did you make a diag, actual values of immo data

CEM sw get corrupted if battery is low when cranking or car not used for weeks and battery voltage go under 8V

6th July, 2019, 05:10 PM
post cem dump from both processors

8th July, 2019, 01:30 AM
It is necessary that you publish the reading of the CEM and the ecu to verify the synchronicity. It will also be necessary to verify if the key is programmed.