View Full Version : AUDI A6 C5 dash needles FREEZE please help

7th July, 2019, 09:56 AM
Hello to all,

I thank you all in advance for willing to help me!

My problem is this:

I tried ti change odometer on my friends audi a6 c5 2001 1.9 tdi with VAG-KAN COMMANDER. I read the eeprom (i did not save it :( ) , changed the odometer and then write. When i clicked write it did no write it. I repeat it again and it went good. Write ok. But when i turned ignition off temp gauge and fuel gauge remained at their position. They freeze. When i start the car rpm and km do not work, temp and fuel remain freezed and odometer does not show.

In attachment is eeprom read but with the change. Also now i can not read the eeprom again.

Can someone help me please ? Can someone repair this dump ?

Thank you!!!

7th July, 2019, 08:45 PM
ki id please

8th July, 2019, 09:18 AM
Hey,thanks for reply!

Do you mean this : 4B0 920 933M ?