View Full Version : need help exploring a fiat panda st95080 dump

5th September, 2019, 10:44 AM
Hi guys, i've just dumped a fiat panda dashboard model 51771899. This thing, bought used, doesnt want to fit in my car because it refuses to align in the can bus via obd commands, and i don't know why. I guess there is some mismatching data stored in its eeprom. (In the fiat panda when you change the dashboard, the entire dash would blink until you do the "proxy alignment" via obd)
The eeprom is a st95080. I already know how to change the mileage but I'd like to explore the meaning of the other bytes because if I rewrite the eeprom with different dumps from other cars like the fiat punto, new functions appear in the menus.
There are really too many differences if I compare the hex files. If anyone knows anything I would be very happy. I attach the dump.
For reference, this dash has the same exact pcb as mine, but it's from the Punto. https://www.cardumps.com/unit/show/fiat/punto/dash/file/22200