View Full Version : Matching Benz ME 2.0 ECU without renewing

15th September, 2019, 08:56 PM
I've spent the last couple hours trying to figure out how to do this. I can match newer ecus without unlocking but, other than seeing how the VIN is encoded, I can't spot the info that matches it to EIS. This is a matched pair from a running car and I'm hoping someone can spot how they've been synced. Is the encoding done to more than the VIN?

16th September, 2019, 09:33 AM

VIN is not used. Only 4 bytes is need.

16th September, 2019, 12:59 PM
LOL! It seems I have a problem with the way my editor displays the ECU eeprom data. Thank you. :)

Crazy. I see why the data is displayed differently, same way I got the VIN, but I don't understand why it's done that way.

Ah well, what does it matter? At least I know how it's done, LOL!