View Full Version : DAE Modus TRW 8200 433 517 DF002

21st September, 2019, 03:19 AM

Could someone help me with repaired file to clear DF002? If itīs not possible repair my original file, I can use a virgin file and code with Clip.

Thanks in advance

21st September, 2019, 08:59 AM

24th September, 2019, 07:56 PM

The file doesn’t work. The DF048 is present in the UCH and the car doesn’t start. I tried to adapt the DAE with the Clip and the options are disabled in the software.

25th September, 2019, 01:04 PM

I donīt know how it works but now itīs ok. I try differents virgin files but no ok for my part number. The car always starts and no errors but when I diag with Clip said me that ecu is not recognized.
After lots of tries with many files, I tried again with rafal file and all was ok. Car starts, no more DF002 in DAE and no more DF048 in UCH.
I donīt understand because the first time I tried with rafal file the car doesīn start and get DF048 in UCH and now with same file works.
