View Full Version : BMW 123d Remap+Mappack

23rd September, 2019, 11:05 PM
Hello everyone, I'm the owner of a BMW E82 123d, who first came here to learn a few things mostly out of curiosity. However, I got caught in this world of ECU remaping, and so after months of search, calculations and taking serious risks with my beloved car, I managed to create a very complete map pack for my car's ECU and a stage 1 remap. But I could have never done it without the help of people that shared their valuable information, purely out of good will, and helped me throughout this journey.

As I see things, now is the time for me to do my part and share what I learned, so here it goes.
What I have for you today is:

My original internal flash file
My remaped internal flash file
My custom mappack, which includes:

Torque monitoring maps
Torque limiter maps
Boost maps
Start of injection maps
Duration map
Rail pressure maps
Nm to I.Q. maps
Lambda maps (smoke limiter maps)
EGR hysteresis maps
DPF switch
Gear and differencial ratios.

The ECU is, of course, an EDC17CP02, but you can use the files with the mappack to guide yourself if you have an EDC17C06, they are extremely similar.
If you're wondering about my setup, here it is:

WinOLS 2.24 (cracked version)
Galleto FGTech v54 0475 (bougth from AliExpress)
Windows 7 - 64 bit PC (to use with Galletto)

Reading can be done via OBD, you'll only get a partial read but it's the part that contains the maps. For a full read or writing, it must be done in Tricore boot mode, with the ECU opened.

I don't mind if you copy this remap to your car, I don't even care if you make any money out of this, but if you value my work at least press Thanks and Reputation.

30th October, 2019, 02:22 AM
i cant download the file m8

30th October, 2019, 04:28 PM
Your Smoke limiter maps are in reality Lambda maps.

2nd November, 2019, 04:22 PM
i cant download the file m8
The link is good, I just tested it...

Your Smoke limiter maps are in reality Lambda maps.
I know they are, I chose to call them "Smoke limiter maps" because I thought it would be easier to understand what they do. I'll edit the original post to make it technically correct.

15th November, 2019, 04:58 AM
Hi toblast, I appreciate your remap edc17cp02, I indeed looked at my ECM titanum, really perfect! I have an edc17cp45 X6 E71 30d xdrive (245 hp _ 540 Nm) but no driver on my ECM damage for me I can not remap. is it possible to reach off 320 hp and 660 Nm? Can I send you my original file please? sorry for my words i'm french. Regards Boolbi1667170

15th November, 2019, 07:15 PM
Hello toblast thank you for your reply, how can i send to you the file i tried like the picture sent yesterday but it's impossible for file :apologetic: do you have a solution please ? If you want with my email skyliner2009@live.fr i think that's possible to download the file (only 4 mb).


19th November, 2019, 10:23 PM
Hello Boolbi1, sorry for the late reply.
I can't help you outside the realm of EDC17CP02 and EDC17C06. I've only worked with diesel E8x cars, which means only N47 engines, which means those are the only ECU's I've worked with.

20th January, 2020, 09:55 AM
Nice work!

20th January, 2020, 11:22 AM
about mappack is good but remap file can say not good not bad
this file can be much stronger than what is tuned and the most important is to know how an engine system work
only calculation is not enough need to know where and how to apply it

20th January, 2020, 11:12 PM
can you help me with a power increase for my bmw x3 please ?
same ecu, edc17cp02.
SW: 1037399768
It's an automatic transmission, 2.0d, n47 177hp, 2010.
Thnaks in advance.

27th January, 2020, 11:03 PM
Nice work!

about mappack is good but remap file can say not good not bad
this file can be much stronger than what is tuned and the most important is to know how an engine system work
only calculation is not enough need to know where and how to apply it
Thanks for the feedback. I also think there's room for improvement, I was thinking about increasing rail pressure and touch the smoke/lambda maps if need be. If you don't mind, please share what you would change.

can you help me with a power increase for my bmw x3 please ?
same ecu, edc17cp02.
SW: 1037399768
It's an automatic transmission, 2.0d, n47 177hp, 2010.
Thnaks in advance.
Sorry, but I won't spend time making a remap for free. The mappack with the remap file should be more than enough for you to be able to make a decent file for that car. If you need help, that's ok, but I won't make you a file.

28th January, 2020, 01:11 AM
685625this is good????

3rd February, 2020, 09:59 PM
What is good? I can't see shit on the image, and I don't even know what it's about...

19th September, 2020, 11:43 PM
Gracias, lo usare de ejemplo para mi 520d-

20th September, 2020, 07:28 AM
Thank you for your precious contribution :congrats:

31st December, 2020, 01:23 PM

Did try to upload the remaped map with kess v2 tricore / but it gives me an error (you must select original file for comparison), it does not wont to write anything other then the original file.
Did try to upload the remaped file via OBD Ksuite,after selecting "write" it gives me an error (unrecognized file format) at the end.
Any help will be highly appreciated... Thank you all in advance!

31st December, 2020, 01:39 PM
select original file for comparison is not an error, just do it and ksuite compare file for checksum and after it write file

11th February, 2021, 10:07 PM
Thank you it helped me a lot!!

6th March, 2023, 01:36 AM
Nice job! Thanks for sharing it.

20th August, 2023, 11:04 PM
Hello good! Very good contribution! Have you done stage 1 with WinOLS? Or with what program did you do it? Thank you so much!

Hola a todos, soy el propietario de un BMW E82 123d, vine aquí por primera vez para aprender algunas cosas, principalmente por curiosidad. Sin embargo, me quedé atrapado en este mundo de reasignación de ECU, así que después de meses de búsqueda, cálculos y riesgos serios con mi amado automóvil, logré crear un paquete de mapas muy completo para la ECU de mi automóvil y una reasignación de la etapa 1. Pero nunca podría haberlo hecho sin la ayuda de personas que compartieron su valiosa información, puramente por buena voluntad, y me ayudaron a lo largo de este viaje.

Como veo las cosas, ahora es el momento de hacer mi parte y compartir lo que aprendí, así que aquí va.
Lo que tengo para ti hoy es:

Mi archivo flash interno original
Mi archivo flash interno reasignado
Mi paquete de mapas personalizado, que incluye:

Mapas de control de par
Mapas de limitadores de par
Impulsar mapas
Mapas de inicio de inyección
Mapa de duración
Mapas de presión del riel
Nm a mapas de IQ
Mapas lambda (mapas limitadores de humo)
Mapas de histéresis de EGR
interruptor DPF
Engranajes y relaciones diferenciales.

La ECU es, por supuesto, una EDC17CP02, pero puedes usar los archivos con el paquete de mapas para guiarte si tienes una EDC17C06, son extremadamente similares.
Si te estás preguntando acerca de mi configuración, aquí está:

WinOLS 2.24 (versión crackeada)
Galleto FGTech v54 0475 (comprado en AliExpress)
Windows 7 - PC de 64 bits (para usar con Galletto)

La lectura se puede hacer a través de OBD, solo obtendrá una lectura parcial, pero es la parte que contiene los mapas. Para una lectura o escritura completa, debe realizarse en modo de arranque Tricore, con la ECU abierta.

No me importa si copias esta reasignación a tu auto, ni siquiera me importa si ganas dinero con esto, pero si valoras mi trabajo, al menos presiona Gracias y Reputación .

20th August, 2023, 11:12 PM
Thanks for the information!

21st August, 2023, 01:58 AM
i did it some changues bro try this file

21st August, 2023, 02:06 AM
second correction try this file all ok

21st August, 2023, 11:41 AM
toblas can you try and report

2nd September, 2023, 01:55 PM
toblas can you try and report
Thank you for your work, I appreciate it, but I have been out of the remap scene for a long time now, so I won't be testing your file. If and when I get back to the scene, I'll be sure to take a look at it though.

15th September, 2023, 05:19 PM
can anyone download this file?

15th September, 2023, 08:59 PM
toblas you khow the thanks button ??????

25th August, 2024, 01:01 AM
Thank you very much I will try

25th August, 2024, 01:05 AM
Tank you so much i very need that