View Full Version : Carprog Cluster swap

12th October, 2019, 12:02 PM
Hi all ,

I have purchased a cloned carprog which came with ver 10.93 but doesn't include the a3 mileage or eprom read or alteration via obd just says N/a and tells me to purchase it to activate it . can anyone suggest me a solution or maybe chat to me on discord or Skype on how i would be able to do cluster swap as i wanted to facelift my car with the new white clusters but i need to transfer the immo data and the rest of the information including mileage correction from old cluster to new one . willing to buy anyone a few beers who set me on the right path and get me sorted out with this as I'm a noob

Thank you for your time and any help appreciated

12th October, 2019, 12:09 PM
it depends on the year of your car, but cloning your fvdi abrites quadrant does it well and is not too expensive!

12th October, 2019, 12:13 PM
My car is 2007 and the cluster I want to swap is 2009+ I think . So Carprog is a wrong type of software to use for this ?

12th October, 2019, 06:05 PM
try carprog 8.21 online ...

12th October, 2019, 07:10 PM
I have Carprog 10.93 and a clone cable , when I go to Audi A3 2006 it says N/A and tells me to activate the feature which costs 100 euros . Is there any other way using software but without paying for activation of that particular service as I will need to then buy another option to do the 2009+ white lcd cluster.