View Full Version : SEC-E9 vs Condor Delphin XP005

20th December, 2019, 04:40 PM
Hello guys,

i am looking to buy one good key cutting machine. I find in aliexpress two models: SEC-E9 and Condor Delphin XP005

Which model work better without bugs? For me is imortant to work good with Europe cars (Merecedes, BMW, VAG group, Land Rover, Porsche...)

Or can someone to suggested me better model for the same investition (1500- 2200 USD)


20th December, 2019, 05:02 PM
SEC E9 is good machine

20th December, 2019, 05:42 PM
The best tip is to avoid this one.
This is a copy of the original. A7 clone. The original is OK machine.

https://www.aliexpress.com/item/2024785349.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.29586c97 mj43Qm&algo_pvid=4f53c27d-3ae7-4b10-b9b8-194a417f03b7&algo_expid=4f53c27d-3ae7-4b10-b9b8-194a417f03b7-53&btsid=b03ce7d7-ed14-4a7c-8153-a44dfafa617d&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_4,searchwe b201603_53

I have never managed to cut a key decently.
Need to sync each time
I have one on the shelter, just tested various of keys. Brake at least one probe, each time doing the tests.

No support, even I asked to get in contact with the factory. When it was brand new.
And the seller, was not very helpful at all. Alix gave me some discount. And I was hoping to fix it one day.
Never happened.
This was meant to be out on the road machine.
At least I had a decent other one.
Which could solve the daily requests.

I dismantled the clamp system to get better earth contact. Maybe a little bit better working. But not much.

And not possible to do any updates.
About 1000USD loss.
I cant believe they still sell this shit on Alix.

super jumbe
20th December, 2019, 07:51 PM
Depends how you look after, I am using SEC E9 machine for over 2 years and with free updates the only issue I found out you need to cover the machine with heavy blanket in winter otherwise the machine will go dead.

20th December, 2019, 09:00 PM
Depends how you look after, I am using SEC E9 machine for over 2 years and with free updates the only issue I found out you need to cover the machine with heavy blanket in winter otherwise the machine will go dead.

use W40 to protect them , or change of country

21st December, 2019, 06:06 AM
Not to highjack but can sec-e9 be controlled through usb and Codemaster 5? Seen one for a good deal but has dead tablet.