View Full Version : BMW E90 A103 in CAS3

12th January, 2020, 07:35 PM
Mates. I got bmw e90 with elv locked I put emulator and car start.
After 15mins , i go to check car , this e90 had CA comfort acces , when key is in pocket when touch door handle it unlock vehicle , and then I can start car. When I open door it stars engine but when it wont open door it pop up message sterring locked and no start.
DTC in CAS. is. A103 bus immobilisser fault.

What to do i have icom ista p , did someone has simmiliar situation ?
Please help mates


12th January, 2020, 08:20 PM
you probably duet sinhro, change elv original or tr with deferent emulator:)

13th January, 2020, 06:45 PM
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