View Full Version : opel psg16 pin needed

14th February, 2020, 05:54 PM
I need good pin from psg16 zafira 2003 year
Ori pin smok reads ok but used ecu is wrong pin
It says 5FD5 .... As I can see dumps have several bytes shifted, not write on same location VIN etc...
Need pin for UNCKNOWN.BIN

14th February, 2020, 05:58 PM

14th February, 2020, 06:19 PM
it's unknown because it's from vectra C/signum and pin is stored on other adress, you will need to change soft with TECH2 or MDI in that PSG if you want to put it on zafira because vectra C work on CAN, zafira not and can't communicate with immo and etc.
...you don't need pin if you need to chage soft from vectra/signum to astra/zafira or oposite, it will reset itself after reprograming

14th February, 2020, 06:24 PM
you right but anyway pin is correct form dump of unknown

14th February, 2020, 06:25 PM
yeah pin is right but if you reprogram with soft for zafira it will reset itself anyway

14th February, 2020, 06:57 PM
I didn't mentioned for reason, smok shows 5FD5 or 3597, but not opcom neither SMOK accept that code (smok after 2 bad tries says wait time active)
And PSG is on K line both ori and donnor , not on CAN.
SMOK has option K or CAN psg16, and dont mather is it from signiium or vectar or astra (just selecting psg 16)
Not know why not accept that 3597 pin

14th February, 2020, 07:05 PM
I didn't mentioned for reason, smok shows 5FD5 or 3597, but not opcom neither SMOK accept that code (smok after 2 bad tries says wait time active)
And PSG is on K line both ori and donnor , not on CAN.
SMOK has option K or CAN psg16, and dont mather is it from signiium or vectar or astra (just selecting psg 16)
Not know why not accept that 3597 pin
psg16 will not accidentally come from saab

14th February, 2020, 07:15 PM
By first VIN letters (W0L0ZCF......) shows on google mostly vectra C

14th February, 2020, 07:20 PM
only tipp:2392

14th February, 2020, 07:35 PM
only tipp:2392

This should write on pump?

14th February, 2020, 07:56 PM
This should write on pump?
I think the new pump is not interchangeable
for the old pump, there is a different number

14th February, 2020, 08:50 PM
Yes I told services to put astra/zafira pump,this is vectra c

Thanks to all

7th December, 2020, 02:33 PM
I have again same problem, org ecu is vectra C y22dtr engine, code read and reset ok
Both used:
code read ok, but on reset in opcom shows 21:20:00 (same with my first post)
If you see from image marked in yellow dump similiar with first dump from zafira
Question: why both used pump from vectra C but dumps beginning different from org CAN'T reset because of wait time??

I read on table with smok, both works K and CAN and can read eeprom and pin
with opcom on desk only via CAN, but on both sec time active to maximum, even noone touches ecus before

Other service programed pump that shows me wait time, I guess put flash to ecu with tech2
Any tool good for read write flash,to be able use zafira K line and write sw for vectra CAN