View Full Version : Super DSPIII plus chinese clone (blocked)

5th May, 2020, 04:32 PM
hi mates, after 40 days close of Covid19 Pandemic.. Today power ON DSPIII to test in one audi A6 2013, my sourprise.. when enter in ODO correct, select Audi.. and.. empty.. No models.. and send this error..


Any help?

test sdcard and have data..

maybe.. lifetime counter?

best Regards From Spain.

5th May, 2020, 06:50 PM
what a surprise. a chinese clone stops working..

just ask supplier.

5th May, 2020, 07:17 PM
i assume you have tried other makes ? seems strange, only used mine about 4 times but got me out of proverbial when original wouldnt work. you havent had it connected to your computer by any chance maybe tried to update? other than that must be a fault . if the data is on the card possibly try inserting the card a few times to clean it ,or maybe open it and check the socket is correctly soldered to the main board.

7th May, 2020, 03:43 PM
Hello, if it is a Chinese copy, and the seller told me that it does not have a usage counter, or a time limit. I don't try to update, never try to update a Chinese machine ... it dies 100% :-) all marks gives the database error. the seller tells me that the technicians are seeing my problem.

the SDcard works well and the machine reads it, what I think is that some file is missing.

Someone who has the Super DSPIII + 2019 red case, could you send me the files to compare?

dont open machine for warranty but.. chinese warranty is.. nothing. today maybe opened to see internal memory, but missing file is best option, software work fine but not models inside..

any help?

7th May, 2020, 04:19 PM
Nobody going to open tool for you !

Possible you infected your dsp3 via SD card virus which has kill your device.
Who know..............:dontknow:

Hello, if it is a Chinese copy, and the seller told me that it does not have a usage counter, or a time limit. I don't try to update, never try to update a Chinese machine ... it dies 100% :-) all marks gives the database error. the seller tells me that the technicians are seeing my problem.

the SDcard works well and the machine reads it, what I think is that some file is missing.

Someone who has the Super DSPIII + 2019 red case, could you send me the files to compare?

dont open machine for warranty but.. chinese warranty is.. nothing. today maybe opened to see internal memory, but missing file is best option, software work fine but not models inside..

any help?

7th May, 2020, 04:52 PM
Nobody going to open tool for you !

Possible you infected your dsp3 via SD card virus which has kill your device.
Who know..............:dontknow:

Noo, mate! external SD Card never out!

virus? the only virus that could be ... is a logic bomb set by the manufacturer. I never connect it to any computer, not even by usb, wifi .. SDcar .. is physically impossible.

I have been in this for many years, and I think it is a time or usage counter ... it is not necessary to open the machine to read the external SD memory card.

I have been in this for many years, and I think it is a time or usage counter ... it is not necessary to open the machine to read the external SD memory card.

24th August, 2020, 03:12 PM
i have the same problem. Do you solve problem ??

15th September, 2020, 11:50 PM
PM answered. no solve problem.. waiting.. for more info to repair.

16th September, 2020, 08:39 AM
it's been 4 months!.........what you waiting?745410

PM answered. no solve problem.. waiting.. for more info to repair.