View Full Version : locating and altering km in ECU

8th May, 2020, 01:29 PM
It become more and more necessary to change the km stored in ECU for diesel engines.
The problem is that many of us (include me) does not have much of experience in this field, while we do have a vast experience with clusters. Where is the right place to upload files and ask for help calculating the new km ? Is it in this DashBoard forum ? or maybe in ECU forum or ChipTuning forum ?
I will appreciate the advise from those who already got help or helped others with the issue of km in ECU.

8th May, 2020, 01:40 PM
Very good question.

It should be posted in Ecu section I think. ..but if you need a fast solution. .... Dashboard section is a good option.

9th May, 2020, 09:57 PM
well Jomberykaso, you and i thinking it is a very important question, but fox here are not contributing any of their experience.
I think, that since the km in ECU becomes more and more part of our km jobs, it should be discussed here, in this very forum.
I'll try to be more specific and i'll ask if any one knows where is the km data in Nissan Qashqai 2018 ECU.
It is a BOSCH 0 281 033 886.

9th May, 2020, 10:09 PM
neox can do it
post dump i ll try if you want

11th May, 2020, 12:04 PM
This is certainly something I've been thinking about also.
I've never bothered to look into it as I haven't been asked and I haven't had a customer back with any complaints.
If the value is stored in the ECU it probably should be corrected though....only a matter of time before it can be read out easily.

11th May, 2020, 07:16 PM
my understanding is most ecus have had mileage stored for a long while , even my old enigma used to do vag group edc15 ,and porshe etc been storing mileage in running hours in there ecus.
recently came to my attention that kia dealers were looking at mileages in ecus from 2017 onwards , was unsure so purchased a kit from italy and yes the mileage is there and can be altered.
i think as vehicles become newer and more vehicles are leased and on personal finance schemes etc , this will become the norm for garages to check.

the next problem is educating customers to have there ecus corrected. for the majority this will never happen as they just want to see the numbers in front of them change at the cheapest price.
for those correctors that are fine with this remember the customer is the weakest link, if you think he wont tell them who corrected his mileage when the authorities lean on him , your in for a sad surprise. the authorities don't want the guy who has his own vehicle done they want the guy who changes them .
in some respects im glad to be on the fringe so to speak now , was so much easier decoding radios :), I think big changes to the industry in the future.

ps not just engine ecus as you probably well know but most major electronic equipment in the vehicles store mileage and codes look at bmws and mercs for instance.

ford have been actively looking at ecu mileage as well had a focus 2016 come in a while back and the owner worked for ford he showed me some literature telling them to check them for evaluation at the moment needless to say I couldn't do the ecu as he didn't want to wait so passed the job.

11th May, 2020, 08:30 PM
I think that km is stored in ECUs of diesel engines.
evss , how do you alter the data in the ECU ? What tool do you use ?

12th May, 2020, 03:35 PM
not sure if i can say but for kia etc i bought simple diag option 11 works fine, the old vag pro, now dsp3 and enigma apart from that i just research take dumps and try and learn from these very inteligent people if i cant do it i ask. thats the rare ocasions customers want a more in depth correction. but as i said with mileages in bmws and mercs etc it is becoming a nightmare, .

the guys that correct mileage in all units either have customers with very deep pockets or dont do them, and im afraid blockers stoppers and emulators are another can of worms waiting to burst.
but i digress do the job to the best of your ability and explain to the customer fully , and stay safe.

12th May, 2020, 03:43 PM
also look at the locksmith and ecu sections of this forum lots of very intelligent people on here and if polite they are prepared to help, mileage in keys (bmw/audi/vw etc) and ecus .info is there just takes a while reading.