View Full Version : CAS 2 DEAD PLEASE HELP

2nd June, 2020, 08:08 AM
Good morning members,

I've bought on auction E90 320i, but unfortunately the car was left with battery to die, hence I believe that the CAS flash died, or someone else have done something else, who knows.

I'd highly appreciate your help, I'm uploading the flash and the eeprom reads, read with R270+
Also a photo of the cas label is attached

Thank you for your help


2nd June, 2020, 08:34 AM
writte this flash and try

2nd June, 2020, 09:34 AM
Hi @emanuel2010,

Unfortunately this flash is failing on pin check, as well as not going through the verify steps after writing.

Thanks G

2nd June, 2020, 03:12 PM
[CITAÇÃO = gogoshkin12; 3883976] Oi @ emanuel2010,

Infelizmente, este flash está falhando na verificação de pinos, além de não seguir as etapas de verificação após a gravação.

Obrigado G [/ CITAÇÕES]

test and report the result