View Full Version : audi rb4 cluster problem

7th July, 2020, 06:01 PM
hi there. could some kind member please see if serial eeprom is corrupted. and try and repair please. suspect that someone could have tempered with milage. will never know the true story. with ignition switched on only the airbag light come on. when powered up on the bench airbag abs and triangle light with circle around it comes on. nothing else. removed serial eeprom and fitted it to another cluster many lights come on and others are flashing quick. which tells me the serial eeprom is somehow corrupt. tried to connect with dejavu. error. cant communicate. 2004 model audi a4 1.9 tdi. many many thanks in advance. keep well all.

9th July, 2020, 11:05 AM
Write a different dump and check if dash powers up. I guess it is a HW issue and not dump related. Even with fully erased dump, the dash is still accessible via OBD for diagnostic at least