View Full Version : SKODA STREAM ALGO

25th July, 2020, 08:13 PM
SKODA STREAM Algo from all serial start with SKZ7Z3

And this all serial is start first number with 0

Who want to contribute to post serial + code
who wants to contribute to post serial

25th July, 2020, 08:18 PM
I contribuie.
Monday i put some serial with code.
Good post.
Regrads all members DK

25th July, 2020, 08:23 PM
Code: 0623, Counter: 0., SN: SKZ7Z3E0110823,

25th July, 2020, 08:27 PM
Code: 1704, Counter: 0., SN: SKZ7Z3F0018946, Ver: 1Z0035161B

26th July, 2020, 09:14 AM
Here's some more data if it helps:
SKZ7Z3D0065327 0223
SkZ7Z3E0039252 0635
SKZ7Z3E0041534 1216
SKZ7Z3E0047846 1832
SKZ7Z3E0056219 1321
SKZ7Z3E0077445 0403
SKZ7Z3E0077475 0432
SKZ7Z3E0081592 0776
SKZ7Z3E0084406 0354
SKZ7Z3E0088956 0010
SKZ7Z3E0110823 0623
SKZ7Z3F0005226 0208
SKZ7Z3F0006435 0654
SKZ7Z3F0018032 0768
SKZ7Z3F0018946 1704
SKZ7Z3F0021470 0211
SKZ7Z3F0042826 1081
SKZ7Z3F0044283 1982
SKZ7Z3F0045130 0228
SKZ7Z3F0074239 1410
SKZ7Z3F0095788 1971
SKZ7Z3F0100379 0184
SKZ7Z3G0025289 1161
SKZ7Z3G0032378 0165
SKZ7Z3G0036988 0335
SKZ7Z3G0038649 0368
SKZ7Z3G0040370 1021
SKZ7Z3G0094613 0311
SKZ7Z3G0099613 0311
SKZ7Z3G0129305 0851
SKZ7Z3G0133959 1525
SKZ7Z3G0147897 1918
SKZ7Z3H0006954 1802
SKZ7Z3H0012749 1138
SKZ7Z3H0032335 0005
SKZ7Z3H0045812 0204
SKZ7Z3H0046013 0555
SKZ7Z3H0069335 1078
SKZ7Z3H0128276 1494
SKZ7Z3H0132180 0051
SKZ7Z3H0136138 1947
SKZ7Z3H0143193 1159
SKZ7Z3L9532762 0775

26th July, 2020, 09:46 AM
This serial is not skoda stream SKZ7Z3L9532762 0775

27th July, 2020, 07:02 PM

27th July, 2020, 07:13 PM
SKZ7Z3D0039941 = 0587
SKZ7Z3E0084958 = 0439


28th July, 2020, 05:53 PM

29th July, 2020, 07:30 AM
SKZ7Z3D0007731 0060
SKZ7Z3D0027195 0295
SKZ7Z3D0037430 1383
SKZ7Z3D0048275 1906
SKZ7Z3D0048887 1304
SKZ7Z3E0049822 0287
SKZ7Z3E0085804 0472
SKZ7Z3G0128657 0147
SKZ7Z3G0129643 0007
SKZ7Z3H0118607 1299
SKZ7Z3H0137235 1156

29th July, 2020, 08:19 AM
Ha..ha..ha..you are rality lost time...you never able get this algo...for this need have acces online and after you will see the "secrets".. Never you will found another radio with same serial...the serial.is unique! Code reality exist same on more radios because range is 0000...1999 and radios sure is more that 1999 units..but serial is unique...

29th July, 2020, 11:33 AM
Ha..ha..ha..you are rality lost time...you never able get this algo...for this need have acces online and after you will see the "secrets".. Never you will found another radio with same serial...the serial.is unique! Code reality exist same on more radios because range is 0000...1999 and radios sure is more that 1999 units..but serial is unique...

You can ha,ha,ha how much you want ,believe me i don't care but i not have acces online but i know code range is 0000-1999 and don;t forget this is Visteon radio and all radio have 0 first number and here can be algo similar Ford M but only problem is range 0000-1999
And all database is create from something algo ...
Another secret for this radio is in code bar is put only last 7 number with diferent serial

29th July, 2020, 12:14 PM
You can ha,ha,ha how much you want ,believe me i don't care but i not have acces online but i know code range is 0000-1999 and don;t forget this is Visteon radio and all radio have 0 first number and here can be algo similar Ford M but only problem is range 0000-1999
And all database is create from something algo ...
Another secret for this radio is in code bar is put only last 7 number with diferent serial

He is saying there is no algo, it's random from VW. Only database of serials is solution. Just collect and you will be ok... but will take time ;)


30th July, 2020, 03:16 PM
For Skoda Stream is diferent because is using something algo in function BAR CODE for example SKZ7Z3E VER.A have in barcode OTK = 313 This is only example not final aglo !
And put 313 with last 7 serial in calcgen2009 and you can see in first digit is 0-1
Give code 0356 but you can calc like first number and last and in midle after

30th July, 2020, 07:56 PM
Coincidence..... code 1367 using you algo get another code total wrong...

31st July, 2020, 10:34 AM