View Full Version : opel immobiliser 1 pin code reader

16th January, 2010, 10:44 PM
My friend who is an automtive locksmith, has this tool what reads all immobiliser 1 pin codes. All you do is de-solder aerial fixings remove pcb. he plugs immobiliser plug into usb port using his special cable. It has a unit with an LCD display, with a test lead coming out, he touches the test lead to a pin on pcb and it shows immobiliser code on LCD display. Where did he get this tool and how much are they?

Much thanks in advance has hes a bit reluctant to tell me:egg:

17th January, 2010, 12:55 AM
Yeah, LONG before discovered DK heard about this in fairy tales, gained 2 of these unit's, unsoldered the boards, put them in a box with the A***** ****a *.*6 discs and can only find the empty cases!

If you have one then post the chip details, see what we can come up with.

If fact one of the empty cases is sat next to me grining away, bastard.

Not much of a mate then is he, if won't talk to you.

One of cock-end locksmiths, from Meat City, should something happen and he loose one of his tools, the pin code for it is written down in a safe place.

17th January, 2010, 05:15 PM
Does it look anything like this??

if yes click the link below it (its about halfway down the page)

mind you, immo 1 and 2 can be read thru OBD, why go thru the headache of desoldering??



17th January, 2010, 05:46 PM
Immo1 can be read thru obd2 only if in the past pin code have been used.
Immo2 i don't think is possible.
Witch tool did you see who can read both immo system on Opel cars?

17th January, 2010, 05:51 PM
yes your right lupu, you know what they say, money talks? lol

vag tacho can read immo 1 + 2 (if pin has been used before)

and if you got more money 2 spend then

Dataprobe can read immo 1,2 and 3 via obd
.: NasraTech :. (http://www.nasratech.com/)

17th January, 2010, 05:54 PM
im*o1 can be read thru obd2 only if in the past pin code have been used.
im*o2 i don't think is possible.
Witch tool did you see who can read both im*o system on Opel cars?

Immobiliser 2 can only be read by removing tms and yes immobiliser 1 can be read through obd2 only if code has been used which in my experience is few and far between.

Lupu is very correct, thanks for link though z786

17th January, 2010, 06:02 PM
was that the right 1 obdmaster??

17th January, 2010, 06:06 PM
But cant find it on carmanscan site mate even when replace the * with m. help me m8

Found it m8, but cant see page in english just in russian, 250 euro bit steep for only im*obiliser 1, there getting very old now the cars with im*obiliser 1 good tool though.

17th January, 2010, 06:21 PM
click this link m8

CLICK ME (http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fcarmanscan.ru%2Fim*o%2F&sl=ru&tl=en)

have fun

ps its only in russian but iv sorted that problem 4 u

pps you'l have 2 put a m instead of * (as usual)lol

17th January, 2010, 06:29 PM
im sure there is a chinese clone out there somwer, try alibaba

17th January, 2010, 06:46 PM
Attached is a pdf for AD37, opel immobiliser 1 pin code reader. im sure one of you more experienced members will tell me how to do it using a programmer. thanks in advance as always

17th January, 2010, 11:58 PM
First of all, product of nasratech read pin from Engine, im*o1 and im*o3 (like dash, ECU, etc) not from im*o2.
For my example, i have a Astra with im*o2 and ECU EDC15M (Y20DTH) - not a single interface in entire world can read PIN from this car thru OBD.
Second: Why anyone spend a lot of money for pin reader from im*o1? I have UPA usb and with a little help from pascal script even UPA can provide me with PIN code, after reading HC05.
Anyway, you don't need any software to read pin code from dumps in immo 1 or 2.
Only a good Hex Viewer :D

18th January, 2010, 01:27 AM
is the pin in engine ecu different to immo pin?

18th January, 2010, 08:42 AM
is the pin in engine ecu different to im*o pin?

No m8 its the same , if lupu would confirm that be great my friend lupu

18th January, 2010, 09:18 AM
Yes m8 it's the same.
For my case, i read pin from ECU (24c04).
Depends of the case, were you read PIN (from ECU, from im*o, from REC, etc).
In some cases it's more easy to desolder TMS from blackbox beside read from ECU (example Y17DT hybrid), or in some rare cases OP-COM save you from this work (Z16xx, Corsa C, Meriva).