View Full Version : IAW 5NF T1 -> IAW 5NF T9 - Swap 95160 eeprom?

6th December, 2020, 01:30 AM
Hey guys

So I have a question, my old ECU died, I checked solder on the pins, even reballed the bga chip but no start still loose connection. However I got a IAW 5NF T9 for cheap, so I ordered an programmer, however thanks to amazon it won't arrive until late next week and I really wanna make the car running again. So maybe someone already swapped the 95160 eeprom and could tell me if it would work? I mean technically I don't see why not, all parts on the pcb are the same, however I looked into some dumps from various t1's and t9's and I could spot that they say "IAW5NFT1" so I'm not really sure, and I don't really want to desolder and open the pcb again. I do know I could drill holes in it, but I don't really like that method either. It would really help me if someone already tested this and could just straight tell me if this works or not.


6th December, 2020, 01:59 AM
T1 is exchangeable with T9 and vice versa. Stilo.
Must Make second ecu Virgin-self learning, and not need to drill any hole.
Probably parameters in flash are different so u can't just exchange eeproms.

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6th December, 2020, 10:14 AM
uses fvdi for ecu virginization. there is no need to disassemble anything.

6th December, 2020, 02:03 PM
T1 is exchangeable with T9 and vice versa. Stilo.
Must Make second ecu Virgin-self learning, and not need to drill any hole.
Probably parameters in flash are different so u can't just exchange eeproms.

Sent from my JSN-L21 using Tapatalk

Thanks, I found out the hard way, I swapped eeproms and it didn't worked, hopefully it isn't fried now. I'll virginize the t9 eeprom tomorrow.. A friend of mine has a programmer so I hope it works..

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6th December, 2020, 02:04 PM
uses fvdi for ecu virginization. there is no need to disassemble anything.

Sadly I don't have fvdi, usually I drive and work on some older Honda's and the ECU and mapping is really different and more easy. It isn't so bad to open it though..

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6th December, 2020, 02:11 PM
Hi. As far as i know, t1 and t9 have the same pcb. But sometimes, t1 is not good for replacing t9. The car starts, but doesn't accelerate and has some other matching problems.

6th December, 2020, 02:34 PM
Hi. As far as i know, t1 and t9 have the same pcb. But sometimes, t1 is not good for replacing t9. The car starts, but doesn't accelerate and has some other matching problems.

I hope it works, it was from the same engine though. So it should work.. I hope.

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6th December, 2020, 06:08 PM
5NFXX to all other 5NFXX not easy job only with eeprom or mcu transfer.need some special programmers too

6th December, 2020, 06:47 PM
5NFXX to all other 5NFXX not easy job only with eeprom or mcu transfer.need some special programmers too

Neither ioterminal will transform this flash from t1 intto t9 or viceversa. It only read flash, but writting it will not be possible. MCU must be rewritten, too... Pretty difficult without any good tools.

6th December, 2020, 07:15 PM
Neither ioterminal will transform this flash from t1 intto t9 or viceversa. It only read flash, but writting it will not be possible. MCU must be rewritten, too... Pretty difficult without any good tools.

What if I reflash and reset the configuration data from Ecu so it learns it self again? I don't know first time with this ecu but as I've read it should be interchangable and if there are minor problems like throttle response, you could just reflash (virginize before) and reset configuration and it would be done? Also both cars are the same model and year and HW + SF Model on the ECU is the same too, just T9 / T1 is different. I'm gonna virginize it first and have a look. And if not, could I just use MPPS and reflash the ECU and reset configuration? I don't know I've read it on really old posts that it should work, but never a clear answer. I mean if it would be an "universal" ECU reader for BOSCH EDC16xx too, and not tooo expensive (under 150$ish) it would be worth it.

edit: I also CANNOT read the old ecu - it is broken and unfixable!!! I still have the bga motorola and it is good but the pcb is unfixable broken. So I would need a fix (IF IT DOESN'T WORK AFTER VIRGIN) that doesn't include
- my old oem ecu
- another t1 ecu

As stated above I don't mind buying a programmer that also works on different ECU's like Bosch ones.. Or if it isn't that expensive.. Like MPPS, Galetto or kwp2000

I just wait and make virgin first and see. I've read that I need to turn ignition on (no start) for 1 minute to relearn, is this true? or is there something else. as i said the other posts are pretty old..

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6th December, 2020, 09:56 PM
I have tried with t1 virginised, instead of t9. Didn't start at all. Copyed the eeprom to t1 and the car started. But running very bag.
After virginising and mounting it on the car, you need to start the car and when cooling liquud rise to 90 degrees, you need to accelerate at maximum, 3 times, until the phonic wheel learns then clear the e
Dtc's and that is all. Try on your own and if will work, it reveals t1 and t9 are interchangeble

6th December, 2020, 11:38 PM
I have tried with t1 virginised, instead of t9. Didn't start at all. Copyed the eeprom to t1 and the car started. But running very bag.
After virginising and mounting it on the car, you need to start the car and when cooling liquud rise to 90 degrees, you need to accelerate at maximum, 3 times, until the phonic wheel learns then clear the e
Dtc's and that is all. Try on your own and if will work, it reveals t1 and t9 are interchangeble

Okay what you saying is really different from what i've read so far.. I always read that T1 and T9 are interchangeable after making virging but other ones aren't.. Yeah I swapped eeproms and car didn't started at all, but no errors on the dash however. I'll wait till tomorrow and see what happens. If it won't start or runs sluggish or something, would I be able to flash the ECU with MPPS, KWP2000 or something that doesn't cost an organ and isn't just for FIAT? I think thats the only Fiat I'll ever be working on so it would make much sense if I spent a fortune in it.

thanks for your help

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7th December, 2020, 11:22 AM
I have blocked one t1 trying to write the t9 flash in it. Fvdi, mpps, kess, gall, kwp2000 are using incomplete flash. So, no chanse. I didn't go ahead with useless tryings, no more. This model, stilo or doblo 1.6 should be taken to scrap. They are too old for this era

7th December, 2020, 12:42 PM
I have blocked one t1 trying to write the t9 flash in it. Fvdi, mpps, kess, gall, kwp2000 are using incomplete flash. So, no chanse. I didn't go ahead with useless tryings, no more. This model, stilo or doblo 1.6 should be taken to scrap. They are too old for this era

So I virginized 95160 eeprom, put it in car waited 1 minute with ign on and car started fine and runs fine, even after multiple on / off's, drove 60kilometres and didn't noticed anything, I would even say it runs better than before lmao.

I don't know why it didn't worked for you though, maybe the ecu was faulty? or because I got the t9 from the same engine/year?

Thanks for anyone who helped me anyways. [emoji4]

8th December, 2020, 03:15 PM
so a little update, car still runs fine and I decided to just look at the t1 eeprom.. so it seems like because I had it stored in the t9 the hex values changed I guess and it shows as t9 now.. But this makes me question why the car dien't run with this eeprom from the t1, if it changes values and detects that it's a t9?

i don't know. I don't bother with it anymore just wanted to have a look again at the t1 eeprom..


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