View Full Version : Code for radio VWZ4Z3

9th December, 2020, 07:47 PM
Please, I need help... The radio is a VWZ4Z3 series with memory 9355093 (equivalent to 24C08). The hex file is the original dump. Following answers from other posts I identified the code as 0110 which has been also written on the case using an ink marker but this code is unable to unlock the radio. Is there a different code? Should I try something else?

Front pannel
http://codedradio.info/show.php?p=pics/VW/cdps.jpg&title=VW%20CD%20PLAYER%20AUDIO%20SYSTEM%20%20%20VW Z4Z3

gabriel pablo
9th December, 2020, 07:57 PM
hello if you can upload the dump to verify

9th December, 2020, 08:18 PM
Sorry I thought I had included the file.

gabriel pablo
9th December, 2020, 09:10 PM
In some of those that mark an error, the code is for the diagnostic integrated, if it is what fails you, raise pin 2 and 3

9th December, 2020, 09:15 PM
Here is the file

9th December, 2020, 09:17 PM
Good call! Thank you so much, I would never know that! I will try that and I will let you know if it works...

9th December, 2020, 09:27 PM
Oh I see the board of this radio is different... not sure if your solution is still applicable

10th December, 2020, 06:21 PM
In some of those that mark an error, the code is for the diagnostic integrated, if it is what fails you, raise pin 2 and 3

Success after disconnecting those chip pins 2 & 3 as you suggested! Thank you so much Gabriel!
Below I provide more details in case is useful for someone else:
I didn’t use the original dump because before starting this thread I had already replaced the memory contents with the file Stereo_VW_sam_2002_Codigo_1441.rar downloaded from this other thread:


That didn’t work either but until I did the modification suggested by Gabriel.

I noticed pins 2 & 3 of the chip (TDA 7476) were connected to memory pins SDA & SCL respectively. Therefore preventing this chip of accessing to the memory is what allowed to accept the code.
I was curious if this modification disabled the security code completely. Then I entered a random code and the display returned SAFE 1 indicating it still required a valid code.
Before this modification when the display showed SAFE 1 after a failed attempt, I used to disconnect the power supply a couple of minutes to reset the counter of failed attempts to SAFE. However with this modification the display stayed on SAFE 1 after a failed attempt. I had to reconnect momentarily the chip pins 2 & 3 and the display returned back to SAFE on start up.
I am glad we avoided this radio of becoming electronic waste.