View Full Version : pcr 2,1 mac adress cs help

jorge antunes
15th December, 2020, 11:08 PM

I have a big issue with a broken ECU. I have a used ECU to replace it and would like to put an emulator on it but I need CS and MAC.
I read that i was possible to extract CS and MAC from the eeprom 25640.
Could someone please help me to extract CS and MAC from the DUMP?
Thank you very much!

16th December, 2020, 10:14 AM
you need fullread ... and mcu id.

16th December, 2020, 10:54 AM
this tool
decode IMMO DATA and mileage direct from only Eeprom PCR2.1!

but need pay :(
5 tokens for calculations =100 euro

1 Token = 1 Calculation

or maybe better- contact from seller emualtor maybe calculate data for You free

link to download software and movie how to.