View Full Version : reading a honda airbag crash eeprom

13th January, 2021, 11:47 AM

I am puzzled with the EEPROM i read for a Honda. I wonder if the dump has to contain the same number as the airbag module. One I read contain the exact airbag module number.

The second one I read for Honda too contained almost the same airbag module, however some figures were inverted

module number 77960-tm8-j411-m2

but if you open the hex file its not in same order.

Has the eeprom been read correctly?


13th January, 2021, 01:59 PM

almost the same and same have a big different,

if you read one single module with same eeprom and your data change that is called human error,
if you read same part number but data comes same its normal, if change its normal.
if you read 2 modules, but part number almost same(as you mention) might be data change, bcoz module part number is not same, its almost same
basically Module's part number define to fit in car by VIN number, but inside data not must be same, bcoz of vehicle configuration.

thanks and regards

13th January, 2021, 02:45 PM
Thanks my friend for your answer. Was just wondering why the numbers were not in the right place for one module.

To note that those Honda modules I read are not Vin locked. I used another module from another car and car accepted it without problems.