View Full Version : Alfa Romeo EDC16C39 learning curve.

27th January, 2021, 03:56 PM
Hello dear DK members.
I owe AR GT 1.9 CF4 with EDC16C39 ECU. Sat at home, waiting for BullShit19 over decided to learn a bit of software messing. I'm only interested in this particular ECU and not plannig run any tuning business. I read VAGECUMAP tutorial, watched his videos, understand a lot of calculation has to be done, yet following adjustment carried once - in practise - we find engine, turbo, injectors condition. Came across automatic softwares make horrible harm - won't touch them. I have Winols 2.24 and MPPS V18 China clone, although read nad write fine. Internet shows a lot for VW group, but tihis is out of my interest - Alfa only. I'm asking people with great knowledge to instruct me how can I find and manually disable (with plug disconnected) :

1. EGR

2. DPF

3. Swrl flaps.

How can I find following maps (in details please):

1. Driver wish map
2. Smoke map
3. Torque map
4. Boost map
5. Boost limiting map
6. SVBL map
7. Duration of injection map.

Hopefully not asking for too much. Thank you in advance.

27th January, 2021, 05:32 PM
Post the file ill help u about mappack

27th January, 2021, 05:48 PM
Post the file ill help u about mappack

Thank you very much for your replay. Here is my file.

28th January, 2021, 03:15 PM
This will help you open ori in winols and import a2l
Dont forget thanks