View Full Version : MED 17.1.2 with 1793 chip

1st February, 2021, 10:51 PM
Wondering if anyone has run into the MED17.1.2 with the 1793 chip??
The Program flash is 4,096 KB
and the Data Flash is 192 KB
The Program Flash has OTP sectors so we can't write all the data from the old ECU,
When we try and do an IMMO OFF, it says the Data flash is way to big...
Besides ODIS, is there anyway to adapt a used ECU to this car??
2015 jetta with 1.4 liter engine...
Tried AVDI which has worked great on BCM2 cars, but won't work on this car...
Thanks in advance for any and all help...

2nd February, 2021, 08:24 AM
Wondering if anyone has run into the MED17.1.2 with the 1793 chip??
The Program flash is 4,096 KB
and the Data Flash is 192 KB
The Program Flash has OTP sectors so we can't write all the data from the old ECU,
When we try and do an IMMO OFF, it says the Data flash is way to big...
Besides ODIS, is there anyway to adapt a used ECU to this car??
2015 jetta with 1.4 liter engine...
Tried AVDI which has worked great on BCM2 cars, but won't work on this car...
Thanks in advance for any and all help...

bosch numbers are same...?
or compatible...?

6th February, 2021, 11:46 PM
Yes, Exactly the same.... in fact the two cars are pretty much identical..

6th February, 2021, 11:48 PM
I should come clean on this... The guy who is trying to do this is about 2,500 miles away from me... If he was local I would fire up ODIS and program it in...
and he doesn't have ODIS, yet...
Thanks again..