View Full Version : Cloning eprom 93c66

4th February, 2021, 02:14 AM
Hi .
My car Hyundai tucson 2011
With 200000 kilometer
Eprom 93c66
My brother car Elantra 2012
Also has 180000 kilometer

My friend has Tucson 2011
With 90000 Kilmer

My question
Can I read my friend dashborad eprom and save the file as bin file,
Then use this file to flash my car and my brother car by this file to get out cars 90000kilometer?

I have programmer
When I try to edit my eprom kilometer . I followed Tachsoft.
After save new file and try to flash it
I got error at flashing.
Erase success...
Flashing fail and error

But when I reflash the original file it successful in erase and flash

So, can I use my friend original file that contain 90000kilometer for me and for my brother
All have eprom 93c66 but cars not same models and year

Please note .I use TL866 ii plus programmer
I followed tachsoft . Tacho said go to 60 and change

xx xx ff ff ff xx ff ff ff xx ff ff ff (where ff ff ff old kilometer) I did that chage. But the file cannot be flashed and got error

I hope u understood me.
Thank all in advance

4th February, 2021, 03:42 AM
double check, after erase then read back and see if it's all FF.

4th February, 2021, 05:57 PM
Probably bad connections, there is possibility that your first reading wasn't ok. Try to put ori file and check if the dashboard works well.

4th February, 2021, 06:45 PM
Thank you so much

You know what?
When I erase it. I still can read the same file from it.
So the problem in erasing

What I can do now?

4th February, 2021, 07:22 PM
If you don't have, buy new 93c66, write mod file and try. It is better to keep ori eeprom because you have problems with programmer. And don't need to erase, just write new file.