View Full Version : Avensis 2.2 DCAT 177hp DPF OFF issue

6th February, 2021, 02:31 PM

I have problem with a Toyota Avensis, 2.2 D-CAT.
I want to remove DPF and EGR.
The car is a Toyota Avensis, 2.2 D-cat, 177hp version, year 2006.
First i read the DTC-s, P2002 dpf and P2047 5th injector.
After i read it with FLEX, did the off with Swiftec(V2), disconnected the 5th injector, installed 1kohm resistor, disabled the DPF out of the exhaust.
Than i want to try it. The car was good for a few minutes, after in a normal drive mode, goes LIMP mode for a few seconds, but without DTC, the MIL lamp does not coming out.
After i tried Swiftec V1, Russian Ecu Company V1, V2, Volta solution, Ecu Decoder V1, V2, always the same problem. I tried to write back the ori, when it goes to limp mode, always drop P2002, so i think the DPF off was wrong, deleting the DTC-s, but the limp mode dont. I tried to write ori back, reseting dpf datas, and write back the off, but same fault.
Does anybody have a good solution? I did a lot of RAV4 and Hilux, always good, but this is bad.

7th February, 2021, 07:18 AM

Which solutions you tried? Where original file?

7th February, 2021, 02:05 PM
I tried Swiftec V1, V2, Volta, Ecu Decoder V1, V2 and the Russian Ecu Company's V1 V2.
Here is the ori!