View Full Version : Newbie - how to interpret a Flash reading

23rd February, 2021, 10:25 AM

I've been tasked with reading a MPC562's external flash via BDM for a client. I've done it successfully, however as I've never had any knowledge of the car tuning internals, my curiosity was triggered.

So I've done a bit of reading and could not find a system or a resource which would allow me not to ask many questions. Can I ask for some general guidance on how to read/interpret a car's Flash file, and what can I do with it - for example, changing the reply of a OBD2 query to begin with. I'd like to start with that and build my knowledge to more complex tasks.

I'm attaching the file I've downloaded from the MPC processor.


23rd February, 2021, 03:07 PM
Friend. Then you took the first step. But there is still a long way to go. It is not an easy topic. Sometimes it looks nice, you plug in the Obd connector and give the reading and it flies. The problem will start when you launch the program. And then get it back on its feet. First, to your question. Then you read the program for some modification. Despite the part number, each driver has a board number called HW. I Software number called SW. So I do not recommend uploading some prefabs without being sure you have exactly the same. First of all, good equipment is essential. Because you'll get yourself problems soon. Good luck