View Full Version : renault safrane 1997 key logic

30th January, 2010, 01:50 PM
please friends,am very much in need of the key logic of this renault safrane,i have philip or t5 chip to copy to.the original keys are lost.attached is the dump from the 93c46 eeprom in the central lock control module

1st February, 2010, 01:02 PM
I think your pin is:

and you should put in T5:

30 38 80 FF 07 FE E3 07 F0 03 C7 81 03 00 70 00

but first preapare it like id33...

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1st February, 2010, 07:49 PM
the key light went off but the car still refused to start,how can i disable infra red remote?