View Full Version : 2014 Evo X 93c76 Need Help for Mileage Calculation

2nd August, 2021, 04:50 PM
I goofed up my 2014 Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X GSR mileage on the 93c76 chip I didn't realize it was 16bit chip and used an 8bit chip format in the minipro application. I found a dump on here for 22,574 miles and wrote that to the chip. I drove the car 2 miles and read the chip again so I have another dump for 22,576 miles. I tried using tachosoft to calculate the mileage for 36,000 miles but that is not correct as the mileage shows up blank on the cluster. Does anyone know how to calculate the mileage properly? Does anyone know if Digiprog calculates it properly?

2nd August, 2021, 07:49 PM
try this, 2 way as 93C76 and 93C86. orig was 22499 mls.

2nd August, 2021, 08:21 PM
The 93C76 version worked! I didn't try the 93C86 version. Do you mind sharing how you calculated that? This would be helpful for me and others.
try this, 2 way as 93C76 and 93C86. orig was 22499 mls.

3rd August, 2021, 01:55 AM
Your file Mitsubishi_Lancer_EVO_X_2013_93C86_22574m_8100B460 .bin ori is 36615 km,showing 22574 miles in speedometer

3rd August, 2021, 03:29 PM
The cluster was showing 22574 miles until I tried the file from delu. Now the cluster is showing 36272 miles.
Your file Mitsubishi_Lancer_EVO_X_2013_93C86_22574m_8100B460 .bin ori is 36615 km,showing 22574 miles in speedometer

4th August, 2021, 06:21 AM
The code in dump is KM,shows in miles in USDM speedometer by convert automatically

2nd August, 2022, 12:10 AM
I'm using AsProgrammer with a CH341A (fixed for 5V and for the 93x pinouts) to read my 93C76, looking at the one uploaded here mine seems like every bit is backwards. Like the JA for the VIN in mine is AJ, etc etc

so I have to figure that out first, but once I do, which bits are the milage? I'm replacing my cluster and I want it to read properly the new one has 80238 KMs on it and I need it to read 28083 which is what is on my old one. I just can't seem to find what to change to fix it :\

Any help at all would be appreciated.

2nd August, 2022, 03:17 AM
okay I have it in the right order now, I just can't see what I need to modify to set the KMs and the VIN if I need to do that? I need to swap 80238 with 28083 and the VIN if that's required?

2nd August, 2022, 10:40 PM
Maybe I'm asking the wrong question or started this the wrong way. Should I be using a tool for this? Or can it be done how I'm going about it if I can find the right bytes to change?

3rd August, 2022, 03:11 PM
So as far as I can tell, the odometer is the top 16 words, but I can't make sense of how they work. Using what other did in this thread verses the one I have, I can't figure out the pattern, it seems to just repeat, it's looks at first like every 2 bytes then has a checksum using reverse hex. but if you look at mine, the checksum of the 8th word wouldn't be valid. So that's out. And since it's always the same how can that represent different digits on the odometer reading. I'm missing something major here and I just can't see it.


3rd August, 2022, 03:19 PM
Honda algo, here is your file edited.

You can get within a few hundred Km using mileage/32 to hex then Xor.

3rd August, 2022, 03:21 PM
oh perfect thank you, I was trying to use /16, but the Xor is what I was missing!