View Full Version : HELP EWS 3 Deleted by AK90+ / BMW E38 1997

3rd September, 2021, 04:53 PM
Dear friends, my name is Sebastian, and I am new to the group. I really appreciate being here. Before we begin, I want to apologize if my Spanish to English translation is not the best.

I have a serious EWS 3 module erasure problem from my 1997 BMW E38 740.

I just received AK90 + key programmer from Aliexpress, and for trying to program a new key after being late from work, I made an error and EWS 3 was cleared. Now the car won't start :sorrow:

The bin file that AK90 software saved, only shows almost infinite FF FF FF.

What I can do? Can someone give me a .BIN file to restore my module?

If this were possible, or if you could guide me better, I thank you very much.

I attach links with photos of information that shows the original car key, and the EWS 3 module:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hAmysiM_KOECvjV5rTUOQ0Iz42dctAMa/view?usp=sharing

I will be attentive to any comments or information that you request.

Additionally, I just bought the INPA K + DCAN diagnostic interface with the 20 Pin Adapter, from this link (I will receive it in 2 weeks): https://es.aliexpress.com/item/32643058158.html

Thank you very much in advance.

3rd September, 2021, 04:57 PM
Is your ecu ms4.1???

You can do immo off.

If you have saved the original File ews is again save..

Ak90 requires cutting the stinging place see instructions.

3rd September, 2021, 05:17 PM
Excuse my ignorance, but where can I see which version the ECU has, and I don't know what immobility is.

I followed the instructions but what happened is that by mistake I pressed "Read EWS" with chip model 0D46J, instead of 2D47J which is mine. The backup .BIN files are all corrupted with FF FF FF.

3rd September, 2021, 05:34 PM
U need to do next:

1. find proper EWS3 chip software
2. U need to buy china pcf7935 blank key (yes it is possible to use old but more work)
3. read DME isn from Ur dme
4. use BMW ISN Cracked software( at this forum) -change a vin and ISN(software from 1)
5. Write BIN file ( from 4)
6. use same file - make a key
7. teach remote


U need AK90+ and some device to read EEPROM DME or Read ISN by OBD (inpa)

4th September, 2021, 12:07 AM
Dear Lukasz12345, I really appreciate your help, and I downloaded the files you attached.

I'm a newbie at this and there are some things I don't know about. I have hardly slept looking for information and I am lost with some things.
Could you guide me a bit on this, please?

1. find proper EWS3 chip software
I have the AK90 device with the software for this device. Is this ok or do I need to purchase a different device and software?

2. U need to buy china pcf7935 blank key (yes it is possible to use old but more work)
I have 1 original car key, and 1 new Chinese key, but I would like both of them to work. This is the Chinese key: https://es.aliexpress.com/item/1005003127779364.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.6bb64c 4dzA9JgQ

3. read DME isn from Ur dme
Excuse me friend but here I got lost. Is this a specific device? If so, what is it to look for and buy it?

- The 2 files you sent me, are they for the BMW ISN software? And this software, is it compatible with K-Dcan?

Again, I appreciate your help and I apologize if I inconvenience you.