View Full Version : Jeep Cherokee 2.5TD 98 immo problem

6th September, 2021, 09:52 PM
Hi, I need to do immo off on this car, its a Jeep Grand Cherokee 2.5TD 98

I found two ecus on this car, one on engine and without label, so I dont know SN

Other Bosch above pedals, 0 281 001 718

First I tried to do immo off on bosch ecu, with memory protect on 24C02 and no luck

Later put original on bosch ecu and try to do on engine ecu with 68HC11A8 mcu

Both tries with immobox unplug.

So here is both original readings and both non-solutions that I tried.

Someone can help me with good immo off solution for this car?

7th September, 2021, 05:36 AM
friend you should be able to do this immo off with j2534 toolbox if you use cardaq device. Just disconnect antenna first