View Full Version : Mercedes Sprinter 906 Virtual eeprom swap

18th September, 2021, 06:56 AM

Please, could someone help me to swap the value from 000000 to 18000F (virtual eeprom) from file ORI 511 CDI to file file ORI 311 CDI with winols.

i want to start the car (511 CDI) with 311 CDI file but it won't start without swap the virtual eeprom from 511 CDI file Adress 000000 to 18000F.

Thanks in advance,

18th September, 2021, 10:42 AM
First... "the value from 000000 to 18000F (virtual eeprom)" definitely is more, than just "virtual eeprom"!!!
Swapping the whole area will produce a non working ECU!
If you want to use software from 311 - you should make it virgin and adapt the ECU to immo with Star, or whatever you have...

18th September, 2021, 01:08 PM
That's the problem, i don't have C4 and no kess only Ktag.
I see in the obd read file on DK 000000 to 18000F is full of FFFFFFFFFFF that's why i thought virtual eeprom is on it.
Does anyone know the address of the virtual eeprom.

18th September, 2021, 08:06 PM
vr eep started in line 8BC0.

19th September, 2021, 11:18 PM
put me 2.7.1 is better you have more horses

Bosch ME2.7.1

Bosch ME2.7.1


Bosch ME2.7.1