View Full Version : Audi Q7 3.0TDI 2011 adblue off

10th October, 2021, 11:48 PM
Hi. I have uploaded the original Kess map with virtual to the Audi q7. A customer forgot to report that dpf and adblue were previously removed. I can handle dpf but can't remove adblue. Can someone help?

https://www.digital-kaos.co.uk/forums/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABQAAAAUCAQAAAA ngNWGAAABDUlEQVR4AYXRgUZDYRjH4TegFTKgpEqiFJgoWAoME QGBgBboChaaAKxLKAhAhQqAdAmpBIQolkCFqp2nITvNKXuA7 /Hhzey5OWjE4Nq3rzY1f9/NGHPB549492 8Ww060iCS2XdctZdI3GsECmb HJoIX6x6EgDm lURTH YB7V9nAqE5WNme4YKuOiY6iMe6PaQxUUIuTbswgFVNJwA8sO3B n6yR6bWZMSNtJwDtuWfHpQxaPx9C9zadil7jrCigbq6UXceNIV KTWUIqypm2ytJdTiNyNeXclF6GttOVfeDEc7qzjR23r3OMFqZK ng1kw0mXGLrfibHTScOZWgGv9TdC6ROFeMTgwYiIxvJzMRWQbe GZUAAAAASUVORK5CYII=

11th October, 2021, 06:30 AM

need manual solution for adblue off EDC17CP44 4L1910401M 0005

11th October, 2021, 06:41 AM
Hi. I have uploaded the original Kess map with virtual to the Audi q7. A customer forgot to report that dpf and adblue were previously removed. I can handle dpf but can't remove adblue. Can someone help?

here is dpf scr off
disconnect scr and nox
chks ok

11th October, 2021, 11:25 AM
Thanks to you. Solution is good!