View Full Version : Kess/KTAG Reading & Writing a car not on the list.

24th October, 2021, 02:09 AM

I have a clone Kess v2 5.017 and KTAG 7.020, and want to read a land rover which is not on the list of cars under the land rover section. However the ECU that is inside the car does exist in the compatibility list of the kess v2 clone tool, but just under a name of a different brand and model. Can i still read and write the car with the same ECU but just under a different brand and type of car in Ksuite? Or does the actual model and brand of car make a difference in the reading and writing process of the ECU.

I would highly appreciate some clarification on this topic.
Thanks in advance!

24th October, 2021, 10:18 AM
On Mpps it worked for me. On Kess/Ktag dont remember if i did something like that. Try to search by ecu and protocol. Cars are not always listed in car search that can be done with these tools.

24th October, 2021, 11:09 AM

I have a clone Kess v2 5.017 and KTAG 7.020, and want to read a land rover which is not on the list of cars under the land rover section. However the ECU that is inside the car does exist in the compatibility list of the kess v2 clone tool, but just under a name of a different brand and model. Can i still read and write the car with the same ECU but just under a different brand and type of car in Ksuite? Or does the actual model and brand of car make a difference in the reading and writing process of the ECU.

I would highly appreciate some clarification on this topic.
Thanks in advance!

Tools Kess/Ktag works with ECU's communication protocols and not for Brand Lists and car models.
The important one is the protocol number that refers to each "version/type" of ECU.
Try reading the ECU with the car you say is compatible and verify that the file is successfully read.

I hope I helped

24th October, 2021, 01:54 PM
Hello, thank you for your replies, how can i verify the protocol number? The ECU version is on the compatibility list. But I'm unaware of how i can verify that the protocol number is correct. Is the protocol number written on the label of the ECU, or is a ECU version bound to a specific protocol number?

24th October, 2021, 03:58 PM
check in protocols, ktag top right corner, when you accept a protocol the family number is to the right of your selection