View Full Version : Peugeot 407 stage 1 with WinOLS

30th January, 2022, 05:33 AM
Hi, thanks a user i applied a stage 1 to my peugeot 407 rhr sid803a 136cv manual gearbox. With WinOLS i check some value and i wont know the meaning:
for example: "scaling factor" is for automatic gearbox? (because i have manual six gears and i read five gear).


11th February, 2022, 05:23 AM
UP, Thanks

12th February, 2022, 12:27 PM
Hi my friend, I think I will help you once again :top:

The 6th speed is detected as 5th speed on this ECU, so the ECU apply the same correction when you are in 5th or 6th gear ration. Look picture of engaged gear detection (gear ration is calculate by doing engine speed/vehicule speed)
Nevertheless for me those maps are usefull for vehicle speed limitor/regulator and make a pedal torque request correction. Not sure they will help you to increase significatively the real torque demand.
Before to change the maps "TQ TO MF", try to increase the maps of torque limitaion I have sent you by PM.
Be carrefull, make a first test by decrease the torque (for example limit all value over 200N.m at 200N.m) if that's work (low power) them you can start to tune by increasing the torque step by step.
Remember like last time for your particule filter, my help is based on theory and my knowledge. Hope it will be helpfull too, if yes don't forget the buttons :tranquillity:
i.e the torque maps are in indicated torque, you need to substract the torque loss (friction) to have an idea of the effective torque.


16th February, 2022, 06:46 AM
Hi, i upload the image with original value.
Ok for somethings but for other i have doubt
1) MFTQLM -> limit the max fuel mass. If i increase this value is only for the max.
2) TQTI -> limit the max torque. If i set to excessive value what can happen?
3) TQ2MF -> it is the map relative to fuel mass in relation to nm (but it is "024nm" or "1024nm"?). Is it useful increase the low value? (for example to aquire more acceleration?). Upper "1324nm" ("1574nm", i think the max value) there insn't a limitation by this map.
4) MF2TQI -> it is the map relative to nm in relation to fuel mass. I don't understand how this value can limit the power (i don't think there is a sensor). For example if i set all value below 100mg/stk equal to this value (for example at 2000rpm, 30mg/stk to 557nm) i remove the limit of this map and i can play only with the value relative to fuel mass?

That i don't understand it is the correlation by fuel mass and newton. For example i have:
- RPM 2000
- Pedal to 50%->correction map pedal is egual to 0.59 (and this value is valid for torque)
- TQTI*pedal_value= 387.750*0.59=228,77nm
Now how use this value for selection of the fuel mass?
If i find the value near in the TQ2MF is between 29,53mg and 35,36mg. If i use the value to MFtoTQI is between 35mg and 40mg. Where is i err?

Thanks you very much.

Thanks you very much.

24th February, 2022, 05:52 AM
UP, thanks

1st May, 2022, 04:48 AM
Up, Thanks