View Full Version : Need some help ME7.4.4 IMMO OFF and KESS/KTAG

22nd February, 2022, 06:18 PM
Hello, today I remap my ecu (ME7.4.4 206CC1.6 16V) But after that the car does not start anymore (immobilizer error) and I receive an ID GENERIC ERROR error with kess. I can't put the original file back in. What do you need to do an immo off on this ME7.4.4 ECU?
Should it be read with KTAG? how to proceed ?
Someone to immo me? It's my everyday car...

Thank's a lot for your answer !

22nd February, 2022, 06:58 PM
i think the remap is you problem. correct remap regards only example the maps for ignition and sprit but not the immo Data

22nd February, 2022, 07:39 PM
i done this with kess clone 5.017 before writing completed perfect no errors but same issue as you

i had to open ecu and boot mode with ktag and write original file i read from kess with k-tag and it worked fine and could id and started again