View Full Version : dash immo off vw touran 24c16w

23rd February, 2022, 04:49 PM
Can someone please help me.
I have a VW Touran that has broken dashboard(year 2004, works for 10-15 min then powers on and off and shows lots of errors).
I bought an used dashboard(2011 year), did immo off on the ECU EDC16U1 , the car starts fine but I keep getting imobilizer active error in the dash.
Can someone please help disable this error from dashboard, attached ecu immo off file(95320) and dash dump of the new dash(24c16w).

23rd February, 2022, 05:50 PM
Not that easy mate. You need working cluster immo. After 30min if I'm not mistaken the window regulators and radio will stop working if the immo is faulty. You need to code new transponder to the cluster and tape it to immo loom or install it to the key. The dump from the cluster eeprom without first setting the cluster to "new" mode is useless.

23rd February, 2022, 06:30 PM
Hi and thank you for replaying.
I do have a backup of the old dash eeprom, and the pin from that old dash but i do not have the pin for this new dashboard.
Can you please explain the steps that i need to do. Until now the car works fine.

23rd February, 2022, 08:41 PM
Why you did immo of in ecu if you can adapt immo in clocks. 10min job with new transponders.

23rd February, 2022, 09:20 PM
I am new at this and that was the only way i know how to do it.
Can you guide me with steps on how to do this.
I have ktag, vag can commander, iprog+, vcds, vcp, ezp2019. Will i be able to program this new cluster 1T0 920 860 CX to remove that immobilizer active error?
Thank You.

23rd February, 2022, 11:01 PM
Send goood eeprom file from new cluster

24th February, 2022, 05:39 AM
Hi friend,
That is the dump from the new cluster, it is an 24c16 eeprom (see foto).


I also attached the old cluster dump, they do have different sizes , probably because there are different clusters(2004 old one and 2011 new one).

24th February, 2022, 12:35 PM
Best to get the ecu back as it was, new transponders and someone with device like: FVDI, VVDI, Autel IM, Abrites AVDI and just pair it all together. Not sure if the 2011 dash will work due to different immo generations but I think I saw some people that can make it work.

24th February, 2022, 05:22 PM
I am hopping for a way to disable that immo active message from the dump of the new cluster. Thank you.